Saturday, April 3, 2010


First thing this morning Aunt Erin came over with a Batman Easter bucket! Complete with batman easter grass and batman head shaped eggs with candy! How cool!

Ollie and Bella had lots of fun with the bubble wand or sword as Ollie calls it. Bella loves to eat the bubbles. This is hours of fun for a dog and a three year old!

They played with bubbles while we were dying eggs. You have to let the eggs sit in the dye for a few minutes so it worked out well.

Papa came over with another Easter basket. Ollie said "what!" everytime he pulled something out of it. There was skittles, a transformer and a power ranger toy all in a new sand bucket!

Then we headed to New Town for the Eggstravaganza! Ollie was the first to get a picture with the Easter Bunny!

They also had flower pots and paint for the kids to decorate. How fun!

Ollie had a great time mixing all the colors together. Oops!

Don't drop that egg buddy!

Finally it is time for the egg hunt. We had to wait awhile before it was time to get the eggs.

Ollie was ready....but then it was time and all the kids ran out screaming except for Ollie. He backed up and refused to go out without me. By the time we got out there all the eggs were picked up. Some of the other mom's felt bad for Ollie and gave him a few eggs. I guess it was too overwhelming for him. That was not the response I was expecting out of him. Oh well, he will find his eggs from the easter bunny in the morning and I'm sure he will find lots of eggs at Grandma Ames' tomorrow!
When we got home it was 4:00 and those two little girls (the one's he played with all day a few weeks ago) were at the park. He has been playing with them since. All I wanted to do was take a nap but I was glad they were here because it is too late in the day for Ollie to take a nap!

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