Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ollie and I got to go see Ivy this evening. Ollie just loves Ivy. He couldn't keep his hands off of her and he was being gentle. I am so proud of him. He said "her is like a baby sister!"

Ivy with her favorite Aunt and cousin!

You can't tell here but she is 21 inches long.

Maw Maw brought presents for Ollie & Ivy!

Ivy with Grandma Pati

Ollie got to open both gifts!

He had to put his on right away and he wanted Ivy to put her's on too!

Big Cousin

Baby Cousin

Ollie is already such a good big cousin. He kept his finger in her binky so she could suck on his finger to help keep her quiet. When Kevin tried to take a pic of them in their shirts Ollie wouldn't move his finger out of her mouth and Kevin had to explain that his arm was in the way of his shirt so Ollie put a finger from his right hand in her binky and his left arm over his head! Good thinking buddy - don't want that baby to cry!

Ivy & Papa

Ivy Elizabeth Thurston

Ivy was born at 1:21 am on April 28, 2010. She was 9lbs 5oz! Holy cow! She looks beautiful though, just like her Mommy. Here is Ivy with a very proud Maw Maw and another Grandma in the background. Sorry this is the only Grandparent pic I have right now.

Look at all that hair! Ivy with her Papa!

They put a little bow on her stocking cap!

Looks like she had a rough time coming out. Erin was pushing for an hour and she was face up. Poor little thing.

Ivy and her Momma!

Ivy with Mommy & Daddy!

The Thurston's

Fun little story: I am in Kansas City for training and I just knew I was going to miss Ivy's birth. Erin called at 4pm and told me her water broke and I was ready to drive home but decided against it because I was not sure how long it would take and would have to leave my house before 5am to make it back in time for training. Anyway I was talking with my parents all evening and then told my dad I was going to bed but to keep me updated. I woke up a little before 1:30am and hadn't heard from anyone and could not get back to sleep so I tried to call my mom but she did not answer, she had her phone turned down. Then I called my dad and he said Erin started pushing around 12:30am. I asked if mom was there and talked to her. Told her she was supposed to be updating me and that if Erin had been pushing that long then someone should go stand by the door and listen for a baby. A few minutes later my mom called me and said that she heard a baby crying and then a nurse came out of the room and I heard her tell my mom that everyone was fine and the baby was 9lbs 5 oz but then the phone kept breaking up so I called my dad and said "she's 9' 5" and he said "I don't think so they told us awhile ago she was at 10" (he was talking about dialated). I said "No 9lbs 5 oz she's here!"He repeated what I said out loud and I could hear Pati, John & Paula all yell out with excitement! How cool, I got to be a part of it even though I am in KC!
I spoke to Erin when they let everyone in the room and she sounded good and looks good in these pics. I can't wait to see Ivy tomorrow when I get home. I am going to pick up Ollie and we are going to head straight to the hospital tomorrow evening!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ollie's First Movie

Since this weekend has been so rainy and not much going on we went to see a movie this afternoon. This was Ollie's first movie. We went to see How to Train a Dragon in 3D. When I told Ollie what we were going to do he went out to the garage and got in his seat and started buckling himself in.

You can't watch a movie without popcorn!

Ollie wore the glasses for awhile during the previews but he didn't really like them. He said they are too big and then he got butter all over them from the popcorn. He switched with me and I realized that he couldn't even see so I kept cleaning his every once in a while to try to get him to wear them. So, I think we won't pay extra for the 3D for awhile until he decides he wants to wear the glasses.

Of course we couldn't leave without playing one game. He chose skee-ball. When he was done there were 3 tickets Ollie was so excited he said I won the game!

Now we are back at home just waiting on a phone call from Aunt Erin!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Magic Night

Yesterday Daddy left for Trout Camp and we went to El Maguey to see the magic man. Ollie just loves the magic man. He kept asking Ollie his name and he would say Oliver Lee Toussaint. He would try to call me Ollie or Oliver but Ollie would correct him no! Oliver Lee Toussaint!

Well Aunt Erin made it through the whole week of school and is officially off work until August. Now we are just waiting on Ms Ivy to show up. Erin was dialated to 3 at her appointment this past Monday and the Dr. said she would see her before the next Monday appointment. Ivy what are you waiting for? We are ready to meet you!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Deck Work

This weekend we spent both days at Aunt Erin's house to help tear down the bad parts of her deck and build a nicer, bigger deck next to the house. Ollie was a very big helper!

They also fixed a couple boards in the fence. Ollie carried about 3 boards down to throw in Papa's truck. What a big helper.

Then it was Ollie's job to tear down all the latice surrounding the deck. He figured out how to use the back of the hammer to pull on it and he pulled it all down all by himself. In fact, the girls and Tyler went to Target and Home Depot and when we got back all the latice was off. Papa said when Ollie finished one side he went underneath the deck to look for more and pulled it off on the other side too. He did this for an hour and a half! Holy cow - that was a big job for a 3 year old!

Sunday we were back for more deck building fun. Ollie is hard at work again.

Lots of supervisors!

There's the momma! We are all eagerly awaiting Ivy - looks like she's almost ready!

Daddy was putting in a new outside electrical outlet and had to be under the new part of the deck.

It's going to be so nice when it is done!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday morning conversation

Ollie and I slept in this morning. I woke up around 8:24 and Ollie's eyes opened up and he smiled at me. Here is our conversation:

Mommy: Good morning! Are you ready to start the day?
Ollie: I just want to lay with you a little bit.
Mommy: Okay, I like to snuggle with you.
Ollie was looking at me and rubbing on my face and then gave me a kiss on the forehead.
Mommy: Are you always going to be this sweet?
Ollie: I don't know.
Mommy: Are you always going to love Mommy?
Ollie: Yes! And Mommy ears and mommy eye and mommy eye and mommy nose!
and then he giggles
Then we talked about what day it was and that we don't have to go to work or school on Saturdays.
Ollie: I like Saturdays! I don't like Tuesdays!
Ollie: No work or school today.
Mommy: Nope, what do you want to do today? Something fun?
Ollie: Something fun with you!

What a sweetheart! I don't think I could have gotten a sweeter little boy - I hope he stays like this forever! When he is fifteen I am going to have to have him read this so he remembers how much he loves me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This week

On Tuesday evening we went to the library to pick out some books to read before bed. We found two Batman books! Ollie was reading the first one while I was looking for the second.

Wednesday evening Maw Maw picked up Ollie and was going to have spaghetti for everyone at her house but Ollie had other plans. He did not want to go to Maw Maw's, he wanted to go home! So, they packed up all the food and brought it to our house - what a little stinker! So after dinner Maw Maw, Mommy, Aunt Erin & Uncle Kevin were watching a show and Ollie was up in his room coloring. I ripped the paper out for him and it was blank when I gave it to him. A little bit later he comes downstairs with this! He wrote his name all by himself! He even got the "e". He has been practicing his name for awhile and this is the first time I have seen him write the whole thing all by himself and it is legible. I am such a proud momma!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Ollie has been singing the ABC's non-stop and he is getting very good at it! I can't believe how much he is learning!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lil Angels Pics

Lil Angels Photography came to Ollie's daycare and dressed up the kids and took awesome pictures! Here are two of them. They turned out really well - how did they get him to pose for them?

Fishing & BBQ

Sunday afternoon we went fishing at a little pond in the subdivision close to our house. Ollie caught the first fish right off the bat and all by himself! Took the pole away from him because it went into some moss and there was already a fish on it!

Still fishing and waiting for that second fish...

Another fish! Yippee!!

Sunday evening we had a BBQ. Maw Maw, Papa, Grandma Pati, Aunt Erin & Uncle Kevin came over. Later Vicki from Papa's work came over with her girls and gave Papa his girl scout cookies. Her oldest daughter Claire loves to play with little kids. Ollie was all wound up and she was a real trooper play fighting with him!

Ollie, Bella & bubbles! This keeps them entertained for hours!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Home Again!

I finally got home from KC last night from my second round of training. I had to work today but got to leave an hour early with some comp time. I picked Ollie up early and we went to Anthony's to pick up some fruit and flowers for Ollie's flower pot (that he made at the eggstravaganza) and our flower pot on our front porch. Ollie was digging little holes in the dirt next to our phlox and bushes and planted 3 of his very own flowers - we will see if they make it!

Then we saw Becky, Katherine & Andrew getting ready for a bike ride and Ollie really wanted to go too so we got his bike out and met them on the trail behind our house and the kids rode all the way to the park. Ollie was a little slow at first and kept putting on the breaks but after a while Becky & I were chasing Ollie & Katherine as they got used to their bikes again!

Check it out - Ollie got on the pole and then climbed up to the top and just hung out up there for awhile before he slid down! Man he is strong!

It's good to be home! I missed you so much buddy!