Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We left our house at 4:30am on Monday to fly to California! Ollie was ready to go when I woke him up at 4:15. I was hoping he would nap on the plane but there was no way! He was too excited. We had to make a pit stop in Denver and then landed in CA around 10:00am (12:00pm MO time). As soon as we got to Maw Maw's and Papa Stu's Ollie had to put on his Batman costume and made Papa Stu try out his new Robin costume!

Dora even has a "Batdog" costume!

Ollie really wanted to go swimming but we had to give the "little" swimming pool time to warm up. So we went out for some lunch and then stopped by Lans. Ollie got to drive the forklift!
They lifted a trashcan up so high! Maw Maw was freaking out but Ollie loved it!

Ollie is trying to figure out how everything works.
Finally...it's time to go swimming!!!
And finally around 3:00 (5:00 MO time) Ollie konks out. He was impossible to wake up. He took a 3 hour nap and still went to bed with me and slept all night. He was ready to go this morning!
We hung around the house this morning. Ollie picked some of Maw Maw's oranges and checked out her trail to pick some flowers. He gave me the thumbs up which he explained later means "this is awesome!"
Then he chased after some bubbles.

After lunch we went to Huntington Beach. It was very windy and the water was freezing but Ollie had a very good time playing in the sand!
He went down to the water a couple of times but the salt water hurt his legs. He had lots of boo boos from jumping in the pool the day before. We had to clean them off and put a towel over his legs until they were dry. Then all was well again.

What a great day! We had lots of fun. Now we are just relaxing. I wonder what fun we will have tomorrow?

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