Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snowy days!

Wednesday evening Chris watched Ollie & Ivy while Erin and I went for a run. We had rec'd a big box that day and they had a good time watching Spongebob & eating snacks in the box! Why do we buy toys.

Thursday, Ollie had his first snow day! He only had to go to daycare that day! We sent his snow clothes to daycare with him but they did not go outside so as soon as we got home we bundled him up and sent him out with Bella! It was very cold but they didn't seem to mind. They stayed out for about a 1/2 hour while I made soup and grilled cheese for dinner. Perfect for a snowy evening!

While we were eating dinner Duke called and asked if we had any size 5T or 5 boy clothes because one of his friend's house burned down and they lost everything. We told him we would box up Ollie's old clothes and he could pick them up. I was explaining to Ollie why we were giving away his clothes that didn't fit because there was a little boy a little younger than him and his house caught on fire and he lost all of his clothes. The wheels were turning in Ollie's head and he said "did he lose all of his toys too?" I told him he probably did. Ollie then said "can I give him some of my toys?" Sure! So we went upstairs to go through some of his toys. Ollie decided to give a little boy that he doesn't even know his old batcave along with a Batman, Robin, Penguin & Riddler! He also gave a few other little toys! I am so proud of him! We must be doing something right!

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